Low-Energy Bottle Washing Machine

Type CB 11-1,89-RV-11,6 Mi ng

The advantages at the first sight

  • Extremely cost-efficient through innovative design and functionality

  • Perfect cleaning performance
    • Residual liquid discharged before submerging bottles into the pre-soaking zone
    • Long duration time in the pre-soaking zone
    • Optimized utilization of soaking time and high temperature (176°F) as the bottles submerge into the soaking zone
    • Constant circulation of the caustic solution in the soaking tank
    • Long spraying phase of the bottles in the hot caustic zone at 184°F
    • 7 spray nozzle zones with 42 stationary high volume low-pressure internal jet nozzles
    • Large strainer belt provides efficient label removal (where applicable)
  • Low energy consumption
    • Complete foam insulation of all high-temperature zones (minimal heat loss to surrounding areas)
    • Five-stage pre-heating of the bottles prior to the main caustic soaking
    • Minimal amount of water and caustic, thus reducing the heating-up loss
    • Heat recovery between the caustic II zone and the warm water pre-rinse zone
    • Compensation for caustic carryover is adjusted by automatic dosing of the caustic II zone
    • Optimized fluid management and ideal chain management lead to a reduction of the electrical load value
    • Adjustable exhaust fan
    • Six-stage rinse/cooling zones following the hot caustic pressure spraying
    • Optional sanitizer rinse with last rinse cycle possible
  • Built for longevity
    • Compact design with stainless steel outer shell
    • 15 mm thick chain travel guides
    • Durable designed main transport chains
    • Robust bottle pockets made of high grade steel
  • Maintenance
    • Easy accessible components throughout
    • Transparent mechanical structure and design
    • Transparent electrical controls, motors and drives
    • Decentralized control panel
    • Large upper windows to check the spray nozzles
    • Maintenance friendly design with easily accessible lubrication point
    • Stainless steel outer surfaces offer easy washdown